Are you a member on Runescape? Do you need money? Well,this guide will tell you how to make money from the beginning till the end.
Way #1 : Combat
Chickens:Drop feathers that sell for around 10-15 gp.Its easy money if you are lazy and are easy to kill with most weapons.Using a rune scimmy makes it usually a 1 hit kill,using dragon stuff means a 99% 1 hit kill.
Cow:Drop cowhide and raw beef.Sell cowhide for around 100-150 gp,Raw beef can be made into sinew,that can be sold for 200-300.
Tips For Killing Cows and Cooking the Sinew and Raw Beef
- Being at least lvl 20 so you dont die quick
- Have a tinderbox and hatchet to make a fire so you can cook the raw beef if you are under lvl 40
- To cook the raw beef have at least lvl 20 cooking so you don't burn it
- 3 cooking to make sinew
- recommended areas to cook sinew = Lumbridge(if any part of the quest "Recipe of Disaster" im complete for bank)-Edgeville in the house next to the bank that has a lady(disadvantage is that u have to open the door every now and then)-East Ardougne has 2 spots near the banks-Piscatoris Fishing colony(requires the quest "Swan Song" completed).
Flesh Crawler:Are aggressive and can be tough for their level.Being lvl 60 and above with at least rune armor is safe and have food just incase.They drop herbs and lots of fire runes and a few nature runes,pick up the fire runes,nature runes and herbs like Ranarr,Dwarf Weed,Irit,Toadflax,Torstol,Kwuarm,avantoe,lantadyme, snapdragon and cadantine and if you can clean any clean them and you can clean the lower level ones and drop them for experience.
Chaos druid:Not that easy an they hit sometimes and use magic.They drop law runes and herbs but only pick up Ranarr,Dwarf Weed ,Irit, Toadflax, Torstol,Kwuarm,Avantoe,Lantadyme,Snapdragon and Cadantine.You can find them in the Edgeville dungeon wilderness and Taverly dungeon and in a tower in East Ardougne.

Dragons:they have similiar drops that are valuable especially the bones,dragon armor and the chance of the rare draconic visage,get an anti-fire shield with you so you dont die immediatly.
Way #2 Skilling:
Magic:High Alchemy on:Steel Platebodies=Buy the bodies for 800 gp and nat runes 200 gp. Red Topaz=Buy the topaz for around 100 gp and either run nature runes or craft them.
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