Sometimes taking the route where you don't fight at all in Minecraft is the best plan of attack! If you're looking for a clever way to take down almost all types of creatures (well, except for spiders ...
If building an underground fortress/tunnel system in Minecraft is one of the strategies that you're undertaking, going back up top side to grab wood is a big pain. Wouldn't it be great if you could ha ...
Tired of running around and destroying blocks with a sword? Or your fist? Looking for a solution that involves explosives, a little ingenuity, and a much faster destruction rate!? Well, you ask, and y ...
While building your fortress in Minecraft you might have thought about doing some work with water. Sure, you could just build a moat, but what's cooler than making your own water loops!? Line them up ...
Minecraft is all about survival and building the coolest fortress in the land! But if you're looking for something that's a little more aesthetically pleasing for your gates without having to have all ...
After playing Minecraft for a while, the old skins and textures can start to get old. But thanks to the internet, there's a LARGE community creating skins and textures that you can put right into the ...
Minecraft is a pretty addicting game, and building your own fortress is half the fun of the game itself! If you're wondering how to use the redstones to make wires and create operational objects, look ...
Making web games using Flash and all the other plugins out there is fine, but compatibility and resource use are always going to be issues for them. Amazingly enough though, HTML5 is far enough along ...
Your summoner is the core character in your League of Legends game, the one who summons the champions to fight on your behalf on the Fields of Justice. Going screenshot by screenshot, the summoner asp ...